- Eat at Roast
Went here on the recommendation of Derek Plaslaiko as it being "The best restaurant in Detroit right now." Was very pleased. Probably one of the few upscale dining establishments you will find in downtown Detroit. Do yourself a favor though and get what they specialize in: Beef. Either one of their many steaks or their awesome Roast burger. Was disappointed with the boar. Their appetizers and oysters are great as well.

Might as well keep the meat train going once you've hit Roast. If you are looking for a mouthwatering pile of slow-cooked BBQ pulled-pork, go no further than Slows in Corktown. Their outdoor patio is great for chowing down on some amazing meat and classic BBQ sides. They also sport a pretty large craft-brew beer menu, which just adds to the awesomeness.
- Get your cabby's business card
Did you know cab drivers often have personal business cards? Neither did I. A lot of the guys in Detroit seem to though. So if you find a guy you like, ask him for his card. Nothing better than wanting to escape a party and actually having a number to dial to get picked up.
- Stay at the RenCen
Maybe they've been cutting back since GM went down the tubes, but this place was very disappointing. The allure of its very close proximity to Hart Plaza makes it hard to pass up, but once you tack on the extra 10 minutes it takes you to actually get into your room (through a maze of elevators and suspended walkways) after you get to the hotel, it's really not that convenient. Directly across the street is the Marriott Courtyard, which is by far a much better choice. At the same exact distance and price range as the RenCen, they also feature much more spacious rooms & bathrooms, nicer amenities, quicker travel in and out of the hotel, in-room refrigerators, and FREE INTERNET. The internet I paid for at RenCen was so f'ing slow! As if it wasn't bad enough feeling cheated since my tax dollars are already ostensibly paying to keep the damn building up.
- Forget to tell cabs to turn their meter on
Despite warnings, we learned this the hard way after some d-bag charged us $20 to go about one mile. If they refuse to turn the meter on, demand a price up front, and if you don't like it, get the hell outta there.
- Tell the drunk homeless guy demanding to be your "tour guide" that you don't need his help because you are just going to the liquor store.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. I really don't know what I was thinking.
- Reuben
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