This VIP wrist band gets you in, no cover no wait and through the Club's and events VIP doors and into VIP sections* plus open bar** at all the Space events (Space, The Terrace, Cameo, Pacha @ Parkwest, Vice, Rehab, The Pool Parties) even sold out events! It also includes admission to Ultra Music Festival on Friday. Just lift up your arm and show your "F*CK YOU" band to our VIP door hosts and you are in.
Only 200 bands will be sold in order to leave room for sold out events. First 50 at $700, nest 50 at $800 and last 100 at $1000.
*Except DJ VIPs and Ultra Music Festival VIP.
**No open bar at Ultra Music Festival
Is it a deal? You be the judge. If your going to all the Space events and planning on getting a new liver after conference, it just might be.

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