Sunday, May 31, 2009
Had an awesome dinner at Méchant Boeuf, a bar/brasserie nestled in the shadow of the Notre Dame Cathedral. The service was as excellent as the food -- fast, attentive, and friendly. There was a 30 minute wait for a table, so we sat at the bar, and then unexpectedly, they came over and set up a small table for us! Very nice :)
After the hot beef injection, we headed over to Metropolis for the fourth installment of Nocturne. Playing in the main room when we arrived was dOP, a French trio who I was really looking forward to seeing. I've been a pretty big fan of their releases over the past year, so their first-ever North American performance was pretty enticing. Unfortunately, like most acts that employ live vocals, I found their performance fairly underwhelming. Guess I just prefer a polished studio sound when it comes to singing. They closed their set with I'm Just A Man, a fantastic release, but live it just meandered into mediocrity, with the singer sounding out of breath and hoarse, probably due to the entire bottle of vodka he was swigging throughout the performance.
Next up was the interesting combination of Dandy Jack and Mathew Jonson. I have seen both of them perform solo previously, and really enjoyed both, so together it seemed they should be even better or a dumbed-down amalgam of the two. It ended up being somewhere inbetween. It was an excellent set, no doubt, but not mind-blowing. Lots of spacey spastik synths dancing over sharp fast-paced beats. It got a bit deeper towards the end, which I enjoyed. I'm always puzzled over who does what in these team-ups, but from what I know of their work, the emphasis sounded to be coming from Dandy Jack. Certainly one of the most solid sets I've heard at Mutek so far, and it got the whole crowd moving.
Just before the Jack/Jonson set concluded, I headed to the Savoy room to catch Pezzner, a Seattle native just picked up by Free Range records, one of my favorite labels of late. As I mentioned before, Pezzner had thouroughly impressed me with his live set in Detroit, possibly moreso because I had never heard of him before. His set in Savoy was just as good, although with a somewhat of a lull towards the middle. He picked it back up though, and from the cheers and whistles, the rest of the crowd was enjoying him as much as I was.
Around 3am, I headed back to the main room to catch the end of the tobias. set. Solid chugging techno, but ultimatley I found it uninteresting. After going overtime for about 10 minutes, tobias. left the stage and made way for Carl Craig. I was curious to see if Craig would perform much differently here as compared to Detroit. His set at Movement was fairly dull, and felt like he was just there for the paycheck. His always-expressionless face gave no insight as to how he felt about it either. Craig began his set with what I can only describe as an asinine over-the-top masturbatory intro track that seemed to say "Hey look at me, I'm famous." A full 15 minutes later, the first beat finally dropped. I had decided to give him two tracks to garner my interest, and he utterly failed. When he actually started playing something danceable, it was the same old epic stadium techno that every Detroit godfather seems to have a hard drive full of. I guess after so long in the game, it might get kind of hard to not just phone it in.
I departed from the main room to give Jeremy Ellis a try before heading back to the hotel. Glad I did! Finally something different and entertaining. Although it came off a bit like a novelty act, Ellis' banging away on two drum units with his chin, elbows, and insanely quick fingers, was refreshing, funky, and very fun. His "freestyle" on the spot creations, using hip-hop and retro percussion samples were probably the most unique thing I've seen the whole time here. Despite his applaudible efforts, my sleepiness soon got the better of me, and I headed back.
Once again, check back for photos to accompany this post in a day or so! I gotta run now... Villalobos awaits!

Around 3am, I headed back to the main room to catch the end of the tobias. set. Solid chugging techno, but ultimatley I found it uninteresting. After going overtime for about 10 minutes, tobias. left the stage and made way for Carl Craig. I was curious to see if Craig would perform much differently here as compared to Detroit. His set at Movement was fairly dull, and felt like he was just there for the paycheck. His always-expressionless face gave no insight as to how he felt about it either. Craig began his set with what I can only describe as an asinine over-the-top masturbatory intro track that seemed to say "Hey look at me, I'm famous." A full 15 minutes later, the first beat finally dropped. I had decided to give him two tracks to garner my interest, and he utterly failed. When he actually started playing something danceable, it was the same old epic stadium techno that every Detroit godfather seems to have a hard drive full of. I guess after so long in the game, it might get kind of hard to not just phone it in.
I departed from the main room to give Jeremy Ellis a try before heading back to the hotel. Glad I did! Finally something different and entertaining. Although it came off a bit like a novelty act, Ellis' banging away on two drum units with his chin, elbows, and insanely quick fingers, was refreshing, funky, and very fun. His "freestyle" on the spot creations, using hip-hop and retro percussion samples were probably the most unique thing I've seen the whole time here. Despite his applaudible efforts, my sleepiness soon got the better of me, and I headed back.
Once again, check back for photos to accompany this post in a day or so! I gotta run now... Villalobos awaits!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
MUTEK 10 : Piknic 1 Saturday

Thankfully the rain had just then cleared up, making Jean-Drapeau Park an absolutley lovely and picturesque setting for the day. We arrive a bit early and wandered around trying to find the Piknic site since there was not yet any music to serve as a guide. After a brief wait, the Piknic site opened. It was quite a beautiful spot, set up against the river with Montreal's skyline in the distance.

I ran into Dave Pezzner during this time, who I had just met in Detroit last week after his fantastic live set at Old Miami. We got to talking and I managed to snag an impromptu interview with him -- keep an eye out for that here next week. Really looking forward to seeing him play again tonight, as he mentioned he's changed up his set even since last week.
Halfway into Thomas Fehlmann's set, the entire area was packed. Sadly, it was also time for me to leave, as I had a scheduled interview with Dandy Jack at 6pm.
Even more depressing though -- as I sit here now (7pm) I'm still waiting for Dandy Jack to arrive and have just been informed that he just now finished his sound check! Arghh... these artists are driving me nuts! Kind of bummed out that I will be missing The Mole's closing set at Piknic, as I so thouroughly enjoyed his opening one. I'd be interested to see if or how different he played to a now throbbing and dense crowd.
Check back here later for this post to be updated with pictures from Piknic (don't have a card reader at the moment because I'm writing from a terminal in the Trylon).
MUTEK 10 - Friday Night / NOCTURNE 3
Starting the night very late, we wandered around for about half an hour in a desperate search of decent food before hitting up any events. The options were looking glum ($1 hot dogs?) right up until we were about to give up. At the northern edge of Montreal's Chinatown, just past the arch, we finally found a place open 'till midnight: Fung Shing (Chinese). If you find yourself in the same situation, be sure to check it out. I wouldn't call it a "late night" spot, since midnight isn't late to me, but it certainly was a great find. Food was yummy, priced right, and portioned large (we half considered taking a doggie bag back to Metropolis with us). I had wonton soup and "beef with ginger & pineapple," my girlfriend had the "chinese filet mingon with black pepper sauce," which turned out to be kind of a chinese beef stroganov, sans noodles. By the time we finished stuffing ourselves, it was almost midnight, so we decided to pass over Play and head straight to Metropolis for Nocturne 3.
When we arrived, Jahcoozie was doing something awful in the main room, so we made a b-line for the "Savoy" side room, which sported a more techno-friendly lineup. This room was amazing! Ok, well, not totally amazing. There were some really obnoxious things about it. But the music was on par with some of the best things I heard in Detroit. Speaking of which, the first track I heard Adam Marshall play as I stepped in the room was one I had just heard for the first time at Old Miami in Detroit, being played by Damian Lazarus & Jamie Jones. Awesome track, and I'm still not sure what it is, but considering Marshall was playing live, I'll assume it's one of his.
Ok, now for the bad bits. Perhaps Mutek had not expected the volume of people that turned out to the Savoy room over the main room, but they way they had it set up was a bit retarded. The entrance was at the top of a flight of stairs, but the room was so crowded, you had to wait in a line inside the venue to g
et to the room. Guess what, the bathrooms were outside of that room. So if you had to go, then you would be waiting another 20 minutes in line again (at peak time), just to get back into the music room. The room itself was very large, but still packed to the gills, and suffered from almost no ventilation. A few fans would have been nice. Also, the room was tiered, with a sunken area towards the stage reached by a few steps. However since the room was so very dark, these steps could easily be overlooked, resulting in some clumsiness (and potential injury). Personally I was a bit flustered at the absense of any guidance for stage photographers. I had no clue where I was allowed and where I was not. I only found out by taking a chance and then either getting yanked out by a mysterious man in black (who had no bage of any kind), or having nothing happen.
Adam Marshall's excellent set was over much too quickly, but the two sets that followed from Ernesto Ferreyra and Mike Shannon were equally as stunning, so I didn't feel too bad. This was my first time hearing any of these three artists in person, and I was thouroughly impressed by all. Usually when in a new setting, it takes me a bit of time to get comfortable enough to let loose and dance, but these guys had me going from the get go.
Shannon closed out Metropolis just a bit after 3am. Will post some videos in the future, but right now I have to hit the hey so I can wake up in time for The Mole at Piknic tomorrow!

Ok, now for the bad bits. Perhaps Mutek had not expected the volume of people that turned out to the Savoy room over the main room, but they way they had it set up was a bit retarded. The entrance was at the top of a flight of stairs, but the room was so crowded, you had to wait in a line inside the venue to g

Adam Marshall's excellent set was over much too quickly, but the two sets that followed from Ernesto Ferreyra and Mike Shannon were equally as stunning, so I didn't feel too bad. This was my first time hearing any of these three artists in person, and I was thouroughly impressed by all. Usually when in a new setting, it takes me a bit of time to get comfortable enough to let loose and dance, but these guys had me going from the get go.
Shannon closed out Metropolis just a bit after 3am. Will post some videos in the future, but right now I have to hit the hey so I can wake up in time for The Mole at Piknic tomorrow!
Friday, May 29, 2009
MUTEK 10 : Arrival & ATOM 1
A light rain and clouds hung over Montreal as I arrived today. This being my first time in Montreal that I will be able to remember, I was pleasantly surprised at how similar it was to a European city.
We are staying at the Auberge de Pomerol, official hotel for Mutek press. It was a toss up between this and a Marriott branch I had a deal with, but I'm really glad we went with the Pomerol. The location, across the street from Berri-UQAM Metro (a central hub), is extremely convenient. The hotel and its rooms are quaint and cozy -- perfect if you're planning a romantic vacation, or if you just want a nice peaceful place to stay in the middle of it all. Our A/C unit rattles like a bitch though. But they bring breakfast to your door, so I think I can live with that.
After settling in and begrudgingly getting over the fact that the USD to CAD exchange rate JUST shot down, we headed down to the Monument-National Theatre to check in with Mutek and get our passes and everything sorted for the weekend.
The extremely friendly and courteous Mutek staff gave me a warm greeting and I was soon on my way. Their absolute professionalism, which I had already gotten a whiff of during the credentialing application, really let me feel relaxed.
With a scheduled interview with tobias. just a short time a way at the same location, we decided to find something to eat in the immediate area. Lunch at Saigon Style(?), a small Vietnamese and Thai place on Rue St. Catherine, was good but unremarkable.
After, we returned to Monument-National, only to find that Tobias was MIA, and so went the interview. On the plus side, this gave me time to run over and check out ATOM 1 at Place des Arts.
After being led by an usher in almost complete darkness, I arrived in a small curtained-off room, with 64 red-lit balloons in the center of a ring of people.
ATOM (not sure what that stands for), is an audiovisual experience, performed by Robert Henke (aka Monolake) & Christopher Bauder. If you've seen any sort of LED display synced up to music, you can get a general idea of what it was like. Trust me when I say it was much more awe-inspiring than that sounds. I was not sure what to expect from something like this, as I've never really gone in for the A/V displays previous, but I was pretty impressed.
The red light in the room soon faded to pitch black, and the music began, slow and steady, with the balloons now being illuminated by bright white lights, and moved along a verticle axis. There's not really any good way to describe it... you are just going to have to wait for the video to get a taste. The music itself was dark, atmospheric, and... well... minimal (this time it's being used correctly!). If I had to make a comparison, I would say it was similar to something GAS might make, only less dubby and filtered, more dark and abrasive, and using some organic soundscapes... ok so not really like GAS. lol . All in all, an excellent way to start off the weekend. It was new, different, fun, and entertaining.
Heading out to dinner now, and then to Nocturne 3 and maybe some of Play 3. I'm getting excited!
- Reuben
After settling in and begrudgingly getting over the fact that the USD to CAD exchange rate JUST shot down, we headed down to the Monument-National Theatre to check in with Mutek and get our passes and everything sorted for the weekend.
The extremely friendly and courteous Mutek staff gave me a warm greeting and I was soon on my way. Their absolute professionalism, which I had already gotten a whiff of during the credentialing application, really let me feel relaxed.
With a scheduled interview with tobias. just a short time a way at the same location, we decided to find something to eat in the immediate area. Lunch at Saigon Style(?), a small Vietnamese and Thai place on Rue St. Catherine, was good but unremarkable.
After, we returned to Monument-National, only to find that Tobias was MIA, and so went the interview. On the plus side, this gave me time to run over and check out ATOM 1 at Place des Arts.
ATOM (not sure what that stands for), is an audiovisual experience, performed by Robert Henke (aka Monolake) & Christopher Bauder. If you've seen any sort of LED display synced up to music, you can get a general idea of what it was like. Trust me when I say it was much more awe-inspiring than that sounds. I was not sure what to expect from something like this, as I've never really gone in for the A/V displays previous, but I was pretty impressed.

Heading out to dinner now, and then to Nocturne 3 and maybe some of Play 3. I'm getting excited!
- Reuben
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Listen Mutek in real time online
Pilooski, Zombie Zombie, Deadbeat, Appleblim, Ghilslain Poirier, Mathew Jonson, Dandy Jack and more have their sets streamed live from Montreal's Mutek festival, courtesy of
XLR8R MUTEK_10 Podcast
MUTEK_10 with Michel Pontbriand
01 UNKLE - Trouble in Paradise Variation on a Theme (Car Craig C2 Remix)
02 Moderat - Rusty Nails
03 Jahcoozi - BLN
04 Modern Deep Left Quartet - Straight Whiskey
05 Beat Pharmacy - Club Dread Feat. Mikey Dread
06 Sideshow - If Alone Feat. Paul St.-Hilaire
07 Digital Mystikz - Neverland
08 Deadbeat - Roots and Wires
09 Thomas Fehlmann - Bienenkonigin
10 Mathew Jonson - Folding Spaces
11 John Shananigan - Bounce the Blue Feat. Skat Man Doo
12 G and The CD - They Only Come Out at Night (Horror Inc Remix)
13 Trus' Me - Tony Does What Tony Wants
14 The Mole - Again the B
15 Gas - Gas 1
16 NSI. - 4
17 The Fun Years - Auto Show Day of the Dead
01 UNKLE - Trouble in Paradise Variation on a Theme (Car Craig C2 Remix)
02 Moderat - Rusty Nails
03 Jahcoozi - BLN
04 Modern Deep Left Quartet - Straight Whiskey
05 Beat Pharmacy - Club Dread Feat. Mikey Dread
06 Sideshow - If Alone Feat. Paul St.-Hilaire
07 Digital Mystikz - Neverland
08 Deadbeat - Roots and Wires
09 Thomas Fehlmann - Bienenkonigin
10 Mathew Jonson - Folding Spaces
11 John Shananigan - Bounce the Blue Feat. Skat Man Doo
12 G and The CD - They Only Come Out at Night (Horror Inc Remix)
13 Trus' Me - Tony Does What Tony Wants
14 The Mole - Again the B
15 Gas - Gas 1
16 NSI. - 4
17 The Fun Years - Auto Show Day of the Dead
Friday, May 22, 2009
DETROIT, May 22, 2009—Techno Music legend Carl Craig has been named Creative Director for Movement 2010. Paxahau made the announcement today as they prepare for the start of Movement 2009 which is set to begin on Saturday, May 23 at noon.
“Movement is already a great festival and a successful brand,” said Craig, “it is an honor to be involved with Movement in this new capacity. I look forward to working with the team from Paxahau to take the artistic vision for the festival to a new level.”
In his new role Craig will be involved in various creative aspects of Movement including artist bookings and the festival’s brand image. He will also serve as an ambassador for the Movement festival as he travels the globe performing for throngs of electronic music enthusiasts.
“Detroit is such a wonderful music town,” Craig continued. “With Movement we have such a great opportunity to remind people from around the world and those that are right here in our own backyard that electronic music in Detroit is very powerful and that our annual festival is the best stage for showcasing the most talented artists of this musical genre.”
The annual Memorial Day Weekend festival has gone through several reincarnations since its beginning in 2000. Paxahau earned the right in 2006 to produce the festival. Since then they have been credited with bringing financial stability to the once fledgling festival and developing a festival atmosphere that appeals to fans because of the high standard of production quality they demand and their ability to book major local and international artists year after year.
Paxahau representatives were elated when Craig agreed to become creative director and believe his involvement will strengthen the future of the Movement festival in Detroit.
“We were extremely excited when Carl agreed to come on board as our new creative director,” said Jason Huvaere, president of Paxahau. “He has a complete understanding of the history of Techno Music in Detroit. He understands its impact around the world because he lives it every day.
“Carl is a musical visionary whose ambassadorship is unparalleled. He will be able to capture the desires electronic music fans have for Movement and help us to incorporate them into future festivals.”
“Movement is already a great festival and a successful brand,” said Craig, “it is an honor to be involved with Movement in this new capacity. I look forward to working with the team from Paxahau to take the artistic vision for the festival to a new level.”
In his new role Craig will be involved in various creative aspects of Movement including artist bookings and the festival’s brand image. He will also serve as an ambassador for the Movement festival as he travels the globe performing for throngs of electronic music enthusiasts.
“Detroit is such a wonderful music town,” Craig continued. “With Movement we have such a great opportunity to remind people from around the world and those that are right here in our own backyard that electronic music in Detroit is very powerful and that our annual festival is the best stage for showcasing the most talented artists of this musical genre.”
The annual Memorial Day Weekend festival has gone through several reincarnations since its beginning in 2000. Paxahau earned the right in 2006 to produce the festival. Since then they have been credited with bringing financial stability to the once fledgling festival and developing a festival atmosphere that appeals to fans because of the high standard of production quality they demand and their ability to book major local and international artists year after year.
Paxahau representatives were elated when Craig agreed to become creative director and believe his involvement will strengthen the future of the Movement festival in Detroit.
“We were extremely excited when Carl agreed to come on board as our new creative director,” said Jason Huvaere, president of Paxahau. “He has a complete understanding of the history of Techno Music in Detroit. He understands its impact around the world because he lives it every day.
“Carl is a musical visionary whose ambassadorship is unparalleled. He will be able to capture the desires electronic music fans have for Movement and help us to incorporate them into future festivals.”
DEMF 2009: Droid it in Detroit

If you are in Detroit this weekend I highly recommend checking out the Droid boys. You can catch Acid Circus and Drumcell at the following events:
but if you can't make it too an after party do go see DRUMCELL Live on the main stage
Thursday, May 21, 2009
DEMF Afterparty Picks - Round 4: Monday May 25th
Alrighty, this entry is going to be short and sweet, because I'm in the middle of shoving my crap in a suitcase before flying to Detroit tomorrow!
Luckily, Monday, unlike the other days of DEMF, is not saturated to the point of bursting with afterparties, making our decision a LOT easier.
First of all, Monday morning + day:
Need I Say More part IV @ The Old Miami
The name says it all. If you've heard ANYTHING about this party, I don't think I really need to convince you to go. If you don't you will regret it as soon as spotty reports from your friends start flooding in on your phone and Facebook.
The lineup this year boasts Matthew Dear, Ryan Elliott, Wolf+Lamb (Gadi anyways), and Shaun Reeves, most likely joined by our favorite boys from Visionquest (who also take the role of host for this fantastic event).
Last year they had food grilled outside, and fruit, so you can come hungry and not worry about that breakfast you skipped.
This year the party is slated to run from 7am until 4pm (and probably not too much later since two of the hosts, Lee Curtiss and Seth Troxler, have to play at Movement at 3:30pm and 5pm, respectively).
Remember, this is Monday MORNING and afternoon, not Sunday night or Monday night. It goes on before and during Movement.
Okay, next up, Monday night:
Hot Natured @ Exodus
The choice for Monday night is also a breeze. Unless the very unlikely rumors of another Dan Bell party come to fruition, this event is my only real contender for the night.
The lineup features special "disco" sets from Jamie Jones and Lee Curtiss, as well as the only (I think?) scheduled performance by Ryan Crosson the entire weekend. Filling out the rest of the lineup are the guys from LA's Droog posse.
Alright, I'm out! Seeya in the D!
By: Reuben Sweeney
Luckily, Monday, unlike the other days of DEMF, is not saturated to the point of bursting with afterparties, making our decision a LOT easier.
First of all, Monday morning + day:
Need I Say More part IV @ The Old Miami
The name says it all. If you've heard ANYTHING about this party, I don't think I really need to convince you to go. If you don't you will regret it as soon as spotty reports from your friends start flooding in on your phone and Facebook.
The lineup this year boasts Matthew Dear, Ryan Elliott, Wolf+Lamb (Gadi anyways), and Shaun Reeves, most likely joined by our favorite boys from Visionquest (who also take the role of host for this fantastic event).
Last year they had food grilled outside, and fruit, so you can come hungry and not worry about that breakfast you skipped.
This year the party is slated to run from 7am until 4pm (and probably not too much later since two of the hosts, Lee Curtiss and Seth Troxler, have to play at Movement at 3:30pm and 5pm, respectively).
Remember, this is Monday MORNING and afternoon, not Sunday night or Monday night. It goes on before and during Movement.
Okay, next up, Monday night:
Hot Natured @ Exodus

The lineup features special "disco" sets from Jamie Jones and Lee Curtiss, as well as the only (I think?) scheduled performance by Ryan Crosson the entire weekend. Filling out the rest of the lineup are the guys from LA's Droog posse.
Alright, I'm out! Seeya in the D!
By: Reuben Sweeney
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
DEMF 2009 on your Mobile

MOBILE DEMF - Brought to you by
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Andiamo Riverfront - 400 Renaissance Center, Suite A 403 - 313-567-6700
Atlanta Bread Company - 19181 Mack Avenue - (313) 640-8200
Beans and Bytes Cafe - 4200 Woodward - 313-833-9870
Campus Martius Park - Woodward Avenue and most other downtown parks
Cass Cafe - 4620 Cass - 313.831.1400
COBO Conference/Exhibition Center - meeting rooms area - One Washington Blvd. - (313) 877-8777
Detroit Beer Co. - 1529 Broadway St.
Eastsidefilms - 14600 block Klenk St
Espresso Jazzy Cafe - 212 E Grand River Ave - 313 963 5204
Honest John's Bar and No Grill - 488 Selden St.
Innate Healing Arts Center/Goldengate Cafe - 18700 Woodward - 313-366-2247
Java Exchange Cafe - 440 Burroughs - 313-822-6456
Lucie and Ethel's - 400 Bagley St.
Meetery Eatery - 5408 Woodward Ave - 313.758.0136
Northern Lights Lounge - 660 W Baltimore St - (313) 873-1739
Pizzaria Venti - 655 W Kirby St, The Towers WSU - 313-831-2810 Rowland Cafe - 500 Griswold - Lobby - 313.963.6687
The Coffee Cafe - 719 Griswold St. - 313-962-2049
The Wall Street Cafe - 10920 E. Jefferson Avenue
Town Pump Tavern - 100 W Montcalm St. - (313) 961-1929
World Peace Cafe - Innate Center for the Healing Arts, 18700 Woodward Avenue
Hotels near Hart Plaza with FREE WIFI
Omni Detroit at River Place
Westin Hotel - outside Concourse A, Detroit Metro Airport
Courtyard Mariott
Ren Center Mariott
Holiday Inn Express
Antheum Suite Hotel
DEMF Afterparty Picks - Round 3: Sunday May 24th
As seems to be more and more the case every passing year, Sunday nights at DEMF are so jam-packed full of afterparties, even the most experienced festival-goer will have their head spinning trying to decide. I was no exception to this. At first it was a split decision between two parties, then three, and eventually five!
Finally, after a long internal debate, and the cancellation of Visionquest's Sensorama party, I landed on the party that the majority of my friends are going to, and what looks to be the most unique DEMF afterparty thus far.
My Choice:
I'm On A Boat on the Detroit Princess
Notice this time I said "choice," as opposed to "recommendation." I did this because unlike my other selections, I don't believe this party is as viable to everybody. At the current ticket price of $50, this party surpasses all others (including almost the three days of Movement itself) as the most expensive event at DEMF.
This price is not without some warrant, however. First of all, it's on a freaking boat. A MASSIVE boat. The Detroit Princess's website purports a guest capacity of 1500 people split among four levels.
The lineup is equally gigantic, with names like Carl Craig, Loco Dice, and Luciano headlining.
This might be a potential detractor from the party for some people. After all, the same artists will all be preforming at Movement on both Sunday and Monday, so if you already have tickets to that, you might be hesitant to spend the extra money on a possible repeat performance.
The boat is scheduled to set sail at 1:30am, cruise for two hours, and dock at 3:30am, with the party continuing until 5am. Boarding begins at midnight though, which is exactly when Movement ends. Thus, the timeline of this event might also prove vexing for some. With so many other great parties going on, many people don't want to be relegated to one spot for 3+ hours.
Thus far, I have never had anything other than an awesome experience on a techno boat party, even on the Ghostly one last year at WMC, which didn't actually go anywhere. I'm hoping that this will be a repeat experience. I'm also hoping that, since boats are regulated by somewhat strict Coast Guard rules, there wont be a chance of the party being like the oversold and overcrowded clusterfuck that Cheap Sunglasses' DEMF event was last year.
So if any of the above things are not for you (as I find myself wondering), do yourself a favor and check out one of the other promising events on Sunday night. The ones I'm eyeballing are:
By: Reuben Sweeney
Finally, after a long internal debate, and the cancellation of Visionquest's Sensorama party, I landed on the party that the majority of my friends are going to, and what looks to be the most unique DEMF afterparty thus far.
My Choice:
I'm On A Boat on the Detroit Princess

This price is not without some warrant, however. First of all, it's on a freaking boat. A MASSIVE boat. The Detroit Princess's website purports a guest capacity of 1500 people split among four levels.
The lineup is equally gigantic, with names like Carl Craig, Loco Dice, and Luciano headlining.
This might be a potential detractor from the party for some people. After all, the same artists will all be preforming at Movement on both Sunday and Monday, so if you already have tickets to that, you might be hesitant to spend the extra money on a possible repeat performance.
The boat is scheduled to set sail at 1:30am, cruise for two hours, and dock at 3:30am, with the party continuing until 5am. Boarding begins at midnight though, which is exactly when Movement ends. Thus, the timeline of this event might also prove vexing for some. With so many other great parties going on, many people don't want to be relegated to one spot for 3+ hours.
Thus far, I have never had anything other than an awesome experience on a techno boat party, even on the Ghostly one last year at WMC, which didn't actually go anywhere. I'm hoping that this will be a repeat experience. I'm also hoping that, since boats are regulated by somewhat strict Coast Guard rules, there wont be a chance of the party being like the oversold and overcrowded clusterfuck that Cheap Sunglasses' DEMF event was last year.
So if any of the above things are not for you (as I find myself wondering), do yourself a favor and check out one of the other promising events on Sunday night. The ones I'm eyeballing are:
- Night Moves @ The River's Edge Grille, headlined by Adultnapper, Jeff Samuel, Matt Tolfrey, and the Martin Brothers.
- Hejdrop @ Blondies, headlined by Steve Bug and Mikael Stavostrand.
- No Way Back @ Bohemian National Home, headlined by Derek Plaslaiko.
- Beretta Resolution @ The Works, headlined by Aril Brikha, Omar S, and Reference.
By: Reuben Sweeney
Mutek 2009: Pre-Party
Warper Party (NYC),, TrackTeam Audio, Dj Shakey,
Dubspot, and Ableton Live present:
A Special Unofficial Pre-Mutek Party in
Montreal Canada!
Free workshops, Live electronic music,
Visuals, and Interactive art
Warper is New York City's largest electronic music showcase
TUESDAY May 26th
all afternoon and evening
for updated schedule, check
cash bar, door charge by donation
264 Ste. Catherine E. (Montreal)
(514) 284 3939
Details on Facebook:
Dubspot, and Ableton Live present:
A Special Unofficial Pre-Mutek Party in
Montreal Canada!
Free workshops, Live electronic music,
Visuals, and Interactive art
Warper is New York City's largest electronic music showcase
TUESDAY May 26th
all afternoon and evening
for updated schedule, check
cash bar, door charge by donation
264 Ste. Catherine E. (Montreal)
(514) 284 3939
Details on Facebook:
Monday, May 18, 2009
DEMF 2009: Night Moves After party

Detroit’s Detek & Maximal Music join forces with Auralism San Francisco to bring you a night of mind blowing electronic music
featuring sets from some of the world’s most talented and up and coming DJs and producers.
• 3 Rooms Of Sound By Source Audio
• Outside Rooftop Deck
• 3 Blocks From Hart Plaza
• 3 Full Bars
Outside Deck:
Martin Brothers (Dirtybird Buzzin' Fly Anabatic San Francisco)
Adultnapper (Audiomatique Dirt Crew New York)
Jeff Samuel (Poker Flat Spectral Trapez Logistic Berlin)
Nikola Baytala (Kontrol Auralism San Francisco)
Gabe Real (Detek Detroit)
Will Evo (Maximal Music Detroit)
Jeremy Poling (Maximal Music Detroit)
Upstairs Room:
Falko Brocksieper (Tuning Spork Leena Sub Static Berlin)
Franklin De Costa (Leena Trapez Auralism Berlin)
Coalition Of The Killing(Nightlight Auralism San Francisco)
Elon (Clink Dumb Unit Auralism San Francisco)
Clint Stewart (Nightlight Auralism San Francisco)
Hac Le (Listed Auralism San Francisco)
Kenneth Scott (Nightlight Auralism San Francisco)
Downstairs Room:
Sammy D (Kontrol Dirtybird Buzzin’ Fly San Francisco)
Matt Tolfrey (Leftroom UK)
Eric Johnston (Wolf+Lamb Leftroom D Records Esperanza Detroit)
Gil K (NOSI Music SunJam NYC)
Teddie (Detek Detroit)
Unherd (Maximal Music Detroit)
Andrew Degarmo (Maximal Music Detroit)
Terry Charles (Maximal Music Detroit)
Exclusive Movement Weekend Performance.
River’s Edge
673 Franklin St
Detroit, MI 48226
$15 before 11pm $20 after 11pm
$15 advance tickets at
RSVP at the following social networks:
Night Moves on Facebook
Night Moves on Myspace
Night Moves on Resident Adviser
DEMF 2009: The Noodle Dip!
If you’re making it to DEMF this year be on the look out for the “Noodle Dippers”. The Noodle Dip is the next dance craze taking the world by storm, one dance floor at a time. I predict soon enough its going to be bigger than the "Mash Potatoe” or “The Twist”. So, don’t miss a chance to see the Noodle Dip in person at there next big at DEMF Noodle Dippers Giant cartwheel.
DEMF Noodle Dippers Giant Cartwheel
Date: Sunday, May 24, 2009
Time: 2:00pm - 2:05pm
Location: DEMF - Beatport Lawn
Facebook Event link
For more info, pics and videos of the Noodle Dip, add the noodle dip to your face book:

DEMF Noodle Dippers Giant Cartwheel
Date: Sunday, May 24, 2009
Time: 2:00pm - 2:05pm
Location: DEMF - Beatport Lawn
Facebook Event link
For more info, pics and videos of the Noodle Dip, add the noodle dip to your face book:

Thursday, May 14, 2009
DEMF 2009: Price increase
GOES UP TO $50 ON MAY 15th
Movement 2009 pre-sale weekend passes will only be $45 until Friday, May 15th, when they will increase to $50. Movement weekend passes have been selling at a rapid pace. The numbers of passes sold are already double what they were last year at this time.
“We are very proud of the fact that even in this tough economy we were able to keep the weekend passes to Movement moderately priced,” said Jason Huvaere, Director of the Festival. “It’s the largest electronic music event in the country and the experience we are able to give music fans is far greater than the price of the ticket. There is no place else where someone can go to see 36 hours of music on four stages being performed by world-renowned musicians at this ticket price.”
As of Sunday, May 10 some 2,377 weekend passes have been purchased for Movement 2009. At the same time last year, only 1,141 weekend passes had been purchased for Movement 2008. VIP ticket purchases are up this year to 422 from 273 last year.
Movement 2009 organizers are encouraging electronic music enthusiasts to take advantage of the discount presale weekend pass special. Prices will increase at the gate. They will be:
$30 for an Individual Day Pass
$60 for a Weekend Pass
$150 for a VIP Pass
On average between 6,000 and 10,000 tickets are bought at the gate each of the three days of the festival.
Passes can be purchased online at Movement Weekend Passes can also be purchased (cash only) at various locations including: 323East in Royal Oak; Spectacles in Detroit; Record Time in Roseville; and Gramophone in Chicago. VIP tickets can also be purchased at 323 East in Royal Oak and Spectacles in Detroit.
Last year nearly 80,000 people passed through the turnstiles at Hart Plaza for Movement 2008.
GOES UP TO $50 ON MAY 15th
Movement 2009 pre-sale weekend passes will only be $45 until Friday, May 15th, when they will increase to $50. Movement weekend passes have been selling at a rapid pace. The numbers of passes sold are already double what they were last year at this time.
“We are very proud of the fact that even in this tough economy we were able to keep the weekend passes to Movement moderately priced,” said Jason Huvaere, Director of the Festival. “It’s the largest electronic music event in the country and the experience we are able to give music fans is far greater than the price of the ticket. There is no place else where someone can go to see 36 hours of music on four stages being performed by world-renowned musicians at this ticket price.”
As of Sunday, May 10 some 2,377 weekend passes have been purchased for Movement 2009. At the same time last year, only 1,141 weekend passes had been purchased for Movement 2008. VIP ticket purchases are up this year to 422 from 273 last year.
Movement 2009 organizers are encouraging electronic music enthusiasts to take advantage of the discount presale weekend pass special. Prices will increase at the gate. They will be:
$30 for an Individual Day Pass
$60 for a Weekend Pass
$150 for a VIP Pass
On average between 6,000 and 10,000 tickets are bought at the gate each of the three days of the festival.
Passes can be purchased online at Movement Weekend Passes can also be purchased (cash only) at various locations including: 323East in Royal Oak; Spectacles in Detroit; Record Time in Roseville; and Gramophone in Chicago. VIP tickets can also be purchased at 323 East in Royal Oak and Spectacles in Detroit.
Last year nearly 80,000 people passed through the turnstiles at Hart Plaza for Movement 2008.
NEW Festival in Zoo York
New York’s Electronic Music Festival
September 5 & 6, 2009 (Labor Day Weekend)
New York’s Electronic Music Festival
September 5 & 6, 2009 (Labor Day Weekend)

Armin van Buuren
Benny Benassi
Danny Tenaglia
Roger Sanchez
Robbie Rivera
Marco Carola
Chus & Ceballos
Paco Osuna
Chris Lake
Speedy J
Martin Buttrich
David Guetta
Ferry Corsten
Richie Hawtin
Markus Schulz
Special Disco Version featuring
James Murphy & Pat Mahoney
(LCD Soundsystem/DFA)
Frankie Knuckles
Steve Bug
Josh Gabriel
James Holden
Menno De Jong
+Many more artists to be announced!
Electric Zoo Festival RSS Feed
New York’s premiere electronic music production team Made Event presents the next chapter in their ongoing success story of top-quality electronic music events. This Labor Day weekend on Saturday, September 5th and Sunday, September 6th, 2009, Electric Zoo will transform Randall’s Island Park from 12 noon to 11pm each day into an open-air music festival with the world’s biggest electronic music talent spanning the globe.
The world’s No.1 DJ ARMIN VAN BUUREN and French superstar house music sensation DAVID GUETTA will helm an unprecedented line-up of over 50+ artists across multiple stages, covering all genres; House, Techno, Trance, Electro, and Indie, including DJs and live acts.
The principals of Made Event, Mike Bindra and Laura De Palma explain their vision for the festival, “We have been inspired over the years by what happens in Europe each summer, and we’re very excited to be bringing our version to America; Electric Zoo, New York's first electronic music festival. Our intention is to showcase the top artists in each of the sub-genres, there will be something for everyone - a literal ‘zoo’ of electronic music. For us, this is the culmination of many years of dedication and hard work. The realization of this goal is another step forward for electronic music here, and we're laying the foundation for many years to come."
Tickets for ELECTRIC ZOO are currently available as single-day passes at $55 and double-pak two-day passes at $100 for General Admission. VIP single-day passes are available at $120 and VIP double-pak two-day passes at $225. VIP passes include a separate VIP entrance, access to VIP lounge with private cash bar, exclusive viewing area at main stage and access to VIP-only deluxe bathrooms.
Benny Benassi
Danny Tenaglia
Roger Sanchez
Robbie Rivera
Marco Carola
Chus & Ceballos
Paco Osuna
Chris Lake
Speedy J
Martin Buttrich
David Guetta
Ferry Corsten
Richie Hawtin
Markus Schulz
Special Disco Version featuring
James Murphy & Pat Mahoney
(LCD Soundsystem/DFA)
Frankie Knuckles
Steve Bug
Josh Gabriel
James Holden
Menno De Jong
+Many more artists to be announced!
Electric Zoo Festival RSS Feed
New York’s premiere electronic music production team Made Event presents the next chapter in their ongoing success story of top-quality electronic music events. This Labor Day weekend on Saturday, September 5th and Sunday, September 6th, 2009, Electric Zoo will transform Randall’s Island Park from 12 noon to 11pm each day into an open-air music festival with the world’s biggest electronic music talent spanning the globe.
The world’s No.1 DJ ARMIN VAN BUUREN and French superstar house music sensation DAVID GUETTA will helm an unprecedented line-up of over 50+ artists across multiple stages, covering all genres; House, Techno, Trance, Electro, and Indie, including DJs and live acts.
The principals of Made Event, Mike Bindra and Laura De Palma explain their vision for the festival, “We have been inspired over the years by what happens in Europe each summer, and we’re very excited to be bringing our version to America; Electric Zoo, New York's first electronic music festival. Our intention is to showcase the top artists in each of the sub-genres, there will be something for everyone - a literal ‘zoo’ of electronic music. For us, this is the culmination of many years of dedication and hard work. The realization of this goal is another step forward for electronic music here, and we're laying the foundation for many years to come."
Tickets for ELECTRIC ZOO are currently available as single-day passes at $55 and double-pak two-day passes at $100 for General Admission. VIP single-day passes are available at $120 and VIP double-pak two-day passes at $225. VIP passes include a separate VIP entrance, access to VIP lounge with private cash bar, exclusive viewing area at main stage and access to VIP-only deluxe bathrooms.
Randall’s Island is accessible by car, bus, pedestrian and ferry.
For tickets & additional info, please go to
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
DEMF Afterparty Picks - Round 2: Saturday May 23rd
Becoming almost as quintessential as the festival itself are the afterparties, and Saturday this year is no exception. In lieu of a repeat visit to a much more crowded Oslo, only one other lineup grabbed my immediate attention for this night.
My recommendation:
VOLATL presents: The Other Nine to Five @ The River's Edge Grille
Subtitled "Clink vs. Hello?Repeat," this party boasts a huge lineup featuring artists from (obviously) both the rosters of Clink Recordings and Hello?Repeat, along with support from local midwest and New York DJ's.
VOLATL, a Chicago-based promoter, had hosted the same event last year at Bert's On Broadway. Referred to by some of my friends as the "crack den," Bert's gave last year's event the feel of an underground warehouse party. This year, the event will be held at the River's Edge Grille, a newly renovated bar and restaurant located on the Detroit waterfront. It will be interesting to see if such a different venue will drastically change the dynamic of the party or not. I've not been to the Grille before, but reviews mention a large outdoor deck, which up against the river will make a fantastic backdrop for the party, and has me very excited. I don't know about you, but I love open-air events.
The expensive-for-Detroit cover of $20 might set some people off, but considering the lineup I would say it is well worth it. Repping the Hello?Repeat camp are two of my current favorite producers: Daze Maxim, and Bruno Pronsato. Bruno's festival-exclusive live PA is more than enough to draw me in, and is something everyone should see at least once. Also exclusive to this party is a live PA from Clink's Tim Xavier. For the rest of the lineup, check the flier.
If when 4am comes you still haven't gotten your fill, follow the cabs on over to reSolute's afterhours event at TV Bar for more of Camea, K.atou, and several other DJ's.
By: Reuben Sweeney
My recommendation:
VOLATL presents: The Other Nine to Five @ The River's Edge Grille

VOLATL, a Chicago-based promoter, had hosted the same event last year at Bert's On Broadway. Referred to by some of my friends as the "crack den," Bert's gave last year's event the feel of an underground warehouse party. This year, the event will be held at the River's Edge Grille, a newly renovated bar and restaurant located on the Detroit waterfront. It will be interesting to see if such a different venue will drastically change the dynamic of the party or not. I've not been to the Grille before, but reviews mention a large outdoor deck, which up against the river will make a fantastic backdrop for the party, and has me very excited. I don't know about you, but I love open-air events.

If when 4am comes you still haven't gotten your fill, follow the cabs on over to reSolute's afterhours event at TV Bar for more of Camea, K.atou, and several other DJ's.
By: Reuben Sweeney
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Win a Weekend Pass for Movement 09
From one of my fav blogs little white earbuds:
DEMF Afterparty Picks - Round 1: Friday May 22nd
First up isn't technically an afterparty, but a PREparty.
Many of us will be Arriving in Detroit the day or night prior to the actual festival, and happily there will already be things going on.
My recommendation:
The Bunker - Detroit Edition @ Oslo
Hosted by The Bunker, New York's longest running strictly-techno party, this event promises to be much the same as one of their excellent nights in Brooklyn.
Headlining is Jan Krueger, Hello?Repeat label boss and last year's most standout DJ in Detroit (for me anyways). If his festival-exclusive performance here isn't enough to draw you, rounding out the lineup is Derek Plaslaiko, one of the most consistently great techno DJ's I've seen, and Bunker resident Spinoza.
I expect it to be a laid back (and hopefully not very crowded) night full of fantastic music, a perfect way to kick off the weekend.
If you arrive even earlier in the day on the 22nd, you might drop by and check out Grimace's Pre-Festival BBQ @ Corktown Tavern, now in its seventh year, and featuring at least 10 DJ's and grilled food. It starts at 5pm and runs throughout the evening.
By: Reuben Sweeney
Many of us will be Arriving in Detroit the day or night prior to the actual festival, and happily there will already be things going on.
My recommendation:
The Bunker - Detroit Edition @ Oslo

Headlining is Jan Krueger, Hello?Repeat label boss and last year's most standout DJ in Detroit (for me anyways). If his festival-exclusive performance here isn't enough to draw you, rounding out the lineup is Derek Plaslaiko, one of the most consistently great techno DJ's I've seen, and Bunker resident Spinoza.
I expect it to be a laid back (and hopefully not very crowded) night full of fantastic music, a perfect way to kick off the weekend.
If you arrive even earlier in the day on the 22nd, you might drop by and check out Grimace's Pre-Festival BBQ @ Corktown Tavern, now in its seventh year, and featuring at least 10 DJ's and grilled food. It starts at 5pm and runs throughout the evening.
By: Reuben Sweeney
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